illustrations & drawings

Although I now mostly work with my graphic-tablet and image-/photo editing software, I'm still loyal to traditional art, especially when I work on a new concept or put a quick idea to paper ( i.e.: Storyboards ). More often than not, I like to blend digital and traditional art together to create a unified result.

On behalf of Union World Music label & producer, I was asked to come up with a concept for the "Four Seasons Riddim Selection" digital release ( reggae music genre ). Many of the details used in this illustration are inspired, or directly taken from Rastafari Jah religious icons. I also drew a stylized portrait of each  artist on this album, which you can see used in the videos on the following YouTube playlist here.

For the anniversary of the established Upper Austrian Atmospheric Melodic Black Metal band Locus Neminis and the anniversary of the legendary Death'n'Roll group GröBär, I included visual attributes of both bands ( Lovecraftian deep-space horror mixed  with Bear-Skulls ) for this illustration.

What you see here is the design for the stage stands for a metalcore band Remember the Voice ( formerly Ankira ). First, the two illustrations as I designed them and the final product, the printed stands the band uses on the stage.

Inge's Bio Cafe, a wholefoods store & cafe in Linz sold these delicious gingerbread cookies made by a local farmer, and needed some simple design/illustrations for the label on the jar they were sold in.

This is a storyboard I illustrated, which my colleague presented, and then made into a promotinal video for Brau Union Österreich.  Some of the pictures shown here I have selected from the 47 page storyboard. You can see them almost 1:1 in a short promotional feature here.

For the same colleague of mine I was asked to put several scenes he had in mind to paper. He used this storyboard to create a video for the transport device company Sano.               You can watch the final product here.

Although horrifying to look at ( as intended ), this compilation of illustrated zombie-animals is found throughout the whole booklet and CD cover from the band ANKIRA ( later to become Remember the Voice ).

This is a logo-tuned-illustration for the Deathcore band Pray That I Miss. The band members especially appreciated the imagination and depth of the design I came up with, as they used it for their EP release and merchandise.

To celebrate 15 years of GröBär ( est. 2003 ), the local Upper Austrian Death'n'Roll legends wanted to print some T-Shirts with a cool design to sell at their live performances. They really liked what I came up with and placed an order for dozens of these ( I still have mine and wear it, not only when I go to one of their shows! ).

For Bettina Lusk, a personal education trainer, I was asked to come up with an icon and a logo, as well as several illustrations to go along with the description of various topics on her website ( which you can visit here ).

Here is a selection of illustrations I made for a children's storybook which includes traditional folklore stories from  each employee's country that work for the company Teufelberger. The book was  distributed in-house among them as a Chritsmas present.

What would every-day utensils think and feel if they had an existential crisis? I created these illustrations to show some utensils expressing themselves in a funny yet thoughtful way. -find a joke/cute thing to say-

This is an example of some of my mixed media work, using a photo of sunglasses and and a digital illustration. I intended for the design to be something that an optician could use in an advertisement or social media post.

Several concepts for a car-sticker for the hottub company HotSpring I've made a few years ago. Including these designs, I also worked on some icons and minor photo-montages for the same company.

That's all, Folks!

( at least for now )

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